We routinely get people in the store looking for shoulder planes. They all grab the store samples and you can see the uncomfort on their faces. Very few people hold the Preston/Record/Clifton/LN shoulder planes in the way intended - I'm convinced the instructions were long ago lost - which is why they seem uncomfortable. Grab them by the front with the crux of the thumb and forefinger resting where the lever clamp comes out of the body and the thumb and forefinger grasping the finger holds in the back sides of the plane. Preston, Record, and Clifton cleverly have nice finger depressions right on the back where you grab. Then pull the plane towards you. It's a comfortable grip, you get tons of control, and by pulling towards you, you can see what you are doing, which is the point of a shoulder plane. You don't need the power of pushing the plane - you need the control of guiding the plane - try it you will see.
Click here for more on the historic side of shoulder planes for an article on our content side that I wrote many years ago (1996). |
"I don't recall even being taught how to use a simple block plane in high school wood shop some 40 years ago."
Uh-oh. Is there a right way to hold and use a block plane too?
BTW, I had a semester of HS wood shop in the mid-1960s. My first experience of woodworking tools. I barely passed with a D. If my old shop teacher had known that I would go on to try and make a living at woodworking he would be surprised I hadn't starved to death.
I need to take some pictures. Infill shoulder planes have ears to make it easy to grab the tool at each end. With Preston style planes it is a little harder.
No idea - other than to cover the mechanism. And sometimes you do push a shoulder plane.